& Howell Weather Proof Camera
- This weatherproof aluminum die-cast camera
will provide protection from rain, sleet or snow!
- It can also be used in extreme temperatures!
- Great for all sports enthusiasts skiers, fisherman,
hunters, sport spectators, hikers & nature photographers
- Fully automatic, motorized film advance system
- Simple to use, Just Load & Shoot
- Features a big viewfinder with automatic flash
& fill in flash
- Red Eye Reduction
- Focus Free
- A truly versatile camera for all seasons
- 35mm film and Batteries included
Retailing price: $99.00
Quainty Price: $22.00
35mm Compact Zoom Camera
- The easiest way to take consistently better pictures!
- Drop-in advantix film loading is fast, easy, and error-free
Designed to help you take better pictures
- Lets you shoot and make reprints in three sizes
- Compact motorized power zoom camera with Advanced Photo System
with drop in film loading (advantix) cartridge, auto focus,
motorized wind/rewind, red-eye reduction, self timer, and three
print sizes (Classic, HDTV/Group, and Panoramic).
- Lens: 25-50mm, 4 element hybrid lens, multi-zone auto focus
- Albada viewfinder bright frame changes to show correct film
- Drop in film loading with double exposure prevention
- Motorized--Film Rewind: Motorized; mid-roll rewind switch
- Electronic sensor flash
- Auto shut-off, self timer, fill flash, flash off, LCD display
panel, infinity focus mode
Retailing price: $239.99
Quainty Price: $40.00